Monday, June 9, 2008

When I was 15, I spent a few months studying in France. There, I learned to both hate and love many French things.

While I never saw a man in his underwear playing a guitar (New York) I did see unusual people with even more unusual hairdos. Many women wore three skirts at the same time --all with different lengths-- and many would not wash their hair for months trying to achieve a Rastafarian look without passing by a hair salon.

For tourists, this can be an attraction. For me, at the time, it was. Growing up in a little town lost in the Middle of Galicia, Spain, I was not used to the variety of people, products and customs a big city offers. I was staying in Rodez, where I attended school.

A main attraction of the country is the language itself. Even for those who do not understand French, the language has a romance added to it. Many even visit the country hoping to find the romance that movies tell us people find there, on the other side of the world.

Something I absolutely dislike about the country is its food. There, they like to eat couscous, which I personally don't like. The worst part is that where I was they ate it without anything, as if it were rice. To me, it looked like bird food. They also like to eat tomatoes as if they were apples. In fact, my "adoptive family" used to put a tomato on my lunch bag for me to eat when I was hungry. I never ate it!

While I was there my main source of food were the many pastries the little bakeries in nearly every corner has to offer. To me, the air smelled like croissant.

But in France like in most European countries there is whole load of things to do. There are museums, monuments, impressive parks and the night life is not bad.


by TemplatesForYou-TFY