Sunday, July 13, 2008

I thought that being from Spain, I should dedicate this first blog to my country and the many wonders it has to offer.

With a history that goes thousands of years back, the country has something for everyone. For the adventurer: El Camino de Santiago. For the intrepid: bungee jumping from A Costa da Morte, or death coast. For those who like art, the country has a wide variety of museums among which are the museum of moder art Reina Sofia and El Museo del Prado, which is among the world's best.

El Camino de Santiago
is a true adventure. The two-month trip starts at the frontier of Spain with France where the traveler starts the walk. Every night he stops at a hostel and enjoys the summer parties that can be found in nearly every town of the country during the summer time. Not to mention, the wonderful landscapes and the architecture of the entire northern region of the country. After two months of walking everyday for long hours, the traveler arrives to the Cathedral of Santiago in Galicia, a region in the northwest of the country. There he visits the shrine of the apostle Santiago, who the legend says has been responsible for several miracles.

While the name Death Coast may not appeal to many, my experience has been that those to try the jump think it's one of the most wonderful experiences of their lives.

The country's long history is particularly noticeable in the architecture, with cathedrals, churches and other monuments that exhibit a wide variety of styles all the way from when the Romans conquered the country to the later arrival of the Arabs and other civilization that once established themselves in the country.

Perhaps, what people like the most about Spain is the nightlife. With a bar nearly in every corner and with drinks at affordable prices, many say there is no better place to party than Spain.

My favorite thing about the country: The food. Octopus, frog legs, paella, omelets and empanadas are a must.

Saturday, July 12, 2008

What to See and Where to Go in Spain




Tuesday, July 8, 2008

What to Eat in Spain




Monday, June 9, 2008

When I was 15, I spent a few months studying in France. There, I learned to both hate and love many French things.

While I never saw a man in his underwear playing a guitar (New York) I did see unusual people with even more unusual hairdos. Many women wore three skirts at the same time --all with different lengths-- and many would not wash their hair for months trying to achieve a Rastafarian look without passing by a hair salon.

For tourists, this can be an attraction. For me, at the time, it was. Growing up in a little town lost in the Middle of Galicia, Spain, I was not used to the variety of people, products and customs a big city offers. I was staying in Rodez, where I attended school.

A main attraction of the country is the language itself. Even for those who do not understand French, the language has a romance added to it. Many even visit the country hoping to find the romance that movies tell us people find there, on the other side of the world.

Something I absolutely dislike about the country is its food. There, they like to eat couscous, which I personally don't like. The worst part is that where I was they ate it without anything, as if it were rice. To me, it looked like bird food. They also like to eat tomatoes as if they were apples. In fact, my "adoptive family" used to put a tomato on my lunch bag for me to eat when I was hungry. I never ate it!

While I was there my main source of food were the many pastries the little bakeries in nearly every corner has to offer. To me, the air smelled like croissant.

But in France like in most European countries there is whole load of things to do. There are museums, monuments, impressive parks and the night life is not bad.

Thursday, June 5, 2008

What to See and Where to Go In France




Tuesday, June 3, 2008

What to Eat in France




Sunday, June 1, 2008

I would like to now spend a couple of minutes talking about Portugal--my neighboring country, and for some a disappointment.-- To be honest, I have to be included among those who found the country a little boring and even dirty.
It is not for no reason that Portugal is among the most undeveloped countries in Western Europe. You can feel this anywhere you go within the country. I have been both in the northern and southern part. It is not unusual to see dirt on the streets and, in my modest opinion, there is not much to see. There is a huge contrast between Portugal and other European countries. This least developed nation doesn't count with the impressive monuments most other European countries do. There you cannot see that transition from Roman, to Arab, Persian... that I described when talking about my beloved country. Despite the fact that both countries are next to each other, the differences are more than noticeable. Although, not even twenty years ago the level of industrialization of both nations both about the same, Spain in the last decades has seen huge economic growth.

Portugal, however, still has some fun to offer. For those who like the beach Portugal's beaches are quite nice.

My recommendation: Visit the city of O Porto. It is in my opinion, the one that has the most to offer. It has a wide variety of museums, including an exhibition of the first train in the country, cathedrals and restaurants.

Even though, this meal is not typical from the country, I must say that the sweet-bread sandwiches they make on O Porto are the best sandwiches I have ever tasted. I have yet to find out where this delicacy comes from.

Saturday, May 31, 2008

It's now time to talk about Canada:

Canada is quite a impressive country, at least it was for me. Despite the fact that it is in North America, the country's customs and even atmosphere resemble those from Europe.
Please, keep in mind that I have not been in the Northern areas of the United States, so I'm not aware whether in reality Canada has a lot in common with the northern region. What I do know is that the southern part of the United States and Canada are completely different.
Perhaps, because I like the cold, I find the country's weather to be perfect, with strong contrasts between winter and summer.
The country has a lot to offer: Great nightlife, great cuisine and even better lifestyle. Though life there can get a little expensive, I think those who can can afford it, find in Canada the perfect home.
The winters next to a fireplace can be magical, and excursions to the Niagara Falls, in the border of Ontario with New York, are a must. The view is fabulous!
Hotels there can get a little expensive, but there is something for everyone: for those who like luxury traveling, and for those, like me, who have enough with a bed to sleep!
A week in Canada can be an invaluable experience. Two weeks in the country and you many not want to leave!

Monday, May 12, 2008

After spending the last weeks talking about some of the places where I have been, I think I should now spend some time talking about where I want to go next. Perhaps, some of you who may have had the pleasure of being there, can make suggestions.
I grew up in a family of artist: My uncle is a well-known painter, my father has exhibited his paintings in countries as diverse as Jamaica, Cuba, Spain, Portugal and the United States and my brother seems to be following the same path. I, however, have never been able to draw too well, and I know that as an artist I wouldn't make enough to sustain myself. What I did get from this family of artists was a passion for art, more specifically, a passion for art history. In fact that would have been my minor if it weren't because my university refuses to offer the classes I need.
Anyway... you may be wondering how this love for art has nothing to do with this blog. Well, I want to go back to where everything began. I want to go and visit the civilizations from Antiquity where the greatest works of engineering and art men has ever seen were once created: Egypt and Mesopotamia.
I want to one day open an old album of photos and show my grandchildren how their grandma once stood in front of the pyramids; took pictures next to an sphinx. Maybe, how she even discovered some archaeological treasure.
Hopefully, I will soon have he chance to go on this adventure!

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